3D Printing


Please keep in mind the following when submitting a request:

  1. The Library reserves the right to refuse any 3D print request.
  2. Printing is available on a first come, first served basis; however, scheduling of print jobs will be determined by staff as dictated by printer and designated staff availability.  For safety, printing will not take place when the Library is closed.
  3. Patrons may submit no more than four print jobs per month.
  4. Cost: A non-refundable $1.00 fee must be paid when submitting a 3D print request to cover staff processing time and material costs, whether a print request is approved or declined. If the print job takes more than 1 hour, library staff will contact the requester and inform them of any additional cost.
  5. Designs created in 3D drafting software or downloaded from online sharing resources must be submitted in .stl format.
  6. All print jobs must fit within 25.2 L x 19.9 W x 15.0 H centimeters OR 9.9 L x 7.8 W x 5.9 H inches.  The Library will view all files in authorized software before printing to determine printing feasibility.
  7. All print jobs will be a single color.






Please read, download and sign the full agreement form. You will need to submit this, a 3D Printing Request Form and a non-refundable $1.00 payment to library staff.

3D Printing Agreement

3D Printing Request Form

Although there are many online sites to choose from, a great site for finding existing 3D designs is Thingiverse.

To create your own design, try TinkerCAD.

As its plastic filament, the San Juan Island Library uses PLA which is a corn starch product, is compostable and non-toxic. It does smell slightly like popcorn so it is housed in a well-ventilated area.

The San Juan Island Library sees digital literacy as an important part of its mission, and is excited to be adding 3D printing to its existing literacy programs such as Tech Tuesdays and ongoing computer classes.