Card Eligibility
All permanent residents of San Juan Island and their dependents qualify for a free library card. Patrons under 18 years old will be issued a youth card and must be accompanied by a parent/guardian during registration.
If the parent/guardian has a library account it must be in good standing before signing for a dependent’s account.
If the dependent is unaccompanied by parent, dependent may present an application signed by parent + dependent’s photo ID + proof of either parent’s or dependent’s local residence.
Parent/guardian is financially responsible for and has full access to dependent’s account. Parent/guardian may opt out of having circulation access, but remains financially responsible.
Qualified individuals wishing to receive a library card should visit the Library in person to fill out a library card application, and be prepared to provide a form of photo identification and proof of San Juan Island residency as listed below.
Resident Library Card:
In order to be eligible for a Resident Library Card, a patron must have one of the following:
• Driver’s license with local address
• State ID card with local address
• Passport with local address
• Student ID
OR, a photo ID, proof of permanent address and one of the following:
• Utility bill addressed to the person at a local address
• Postmarked mail
• Lease or rental agreement in the person’s name
• Property tax bill in the person’s name, or call the assessor’s office or check the assessor’s website
• Telephone number in the person’s name
• Checks printed with name and local address
• Marina slip rental agreement
• Pay stub with local address
Special Exceptions
- Applicants who are living with someone but have no proof of residency may bring in a written statement from the resident with whom they are residing, stating that they are in fact a resident. The statement must come from someone who is a verifiable local resident.
- Applicants who are temporary employees of a summer resort or institution on San Juan Island, may bring in a signed statement from their employer verifying their resident status. The employer may also issue a group letter stating the names of individuals living in employee housing or dormitories as proof of residency.
Reciprocal Library Card:
Patrons of Orcas Island Public Library and Lopez Island Library with active accounts in good standing may receive a reciprocal borrowing card for free. Applicants should be prepared to present their card or photo ID for verification of eligibility.
Orcas Library: 360-376-4985
Lopez: 360-468-2265
Guest Library Card:
Guest cards are available for anyone with a photo ID for a fee of $10 per month or $100 per year.