Creators’ Circle

Creators' Circle

CONTRIBUTE to digital collections at the library. EXPLORE the ideas of other islanders. CELEBRATE the culture we create together.

Ferry Tales

Contribute to and Explore the Ferry Tales

Ferry Tales collects stories and art surrounding our experiences riding the ferry. Sometimes happy, sometimes sad, sometimes hilarious, everyone has a tale about riding the Washington State Ferries. We want to hear yours! Submit a short essay, poem, recording, picture, painting, or any other creative submission that narrates your experiences with the ferries. Entries will be added to a digital collection that will be available from the San Juan Island Library. Submit by clicking on the image above!

Contribute to Ferry Tales HERE

Explore the digital collection HERE


Explore Biblioboard Library

Access Biblioboard Library on the web or download the app and enjoy digital books, collections, images and more from the San Juan Island Library Local Collections, as well as from libraries, artists, authors and others from Washington State and around the world.  Those new to Biblioboard will need to create an account, first using their library card number and password to gain access.  Learn more about Biblioboard here.


Contribute to the Indie Author Project

Authors can submit their books to the Indie Author Project and share their works with readers on San Juan island and throughout Washington.  If your book is selected by Library Journal, it will be available to readers across the US and Canada.  Find out more about how you can get started today by visiting our Writer’s Corner.

Those who contribute their works are eligible to enter the Indie Author Project Annual Contest. For authors, this contest is powerful way to elevate your careers and writing goals, powered by the library community. Along with the accolade of the award and its perks, being recognized by librarians creates credibility and visibility for indie authors, setting them apart in a growing marketplace of digital content and indie-published books. The 2025 contest opens for submissions April 1 – May 31.

Possibility Posters 2024

Explore the Possibilities Posters

In late 2023, the Library began working on a new project: a series of images that would invite wonder and imagination, but not ask or require anything from library users. Because so much content on social media demands our attention, the Library wanted to provide a moment to enjoy an image to remind us that adventure, wonder, and fun, are available to everyone. The outcome was a set of imaginative posters that were displayed in the library and on social media throughout 2024, and are now gathered in this digital collection.

Mini Art Show 2024

Explore the 2024 Mini Art Show

Each year in November, local residents pick up a mini canvas at the library front desk, decorate it any way they choose, then bring it back by month’s end for display throughout December. In 2024 we digitized the collection so that the art can be enjoyed from the comfort of your home!

Rules of the Legion Public Library

Explore the History of the Library

Pictures, documents, and other artifacts from the Library’s 100+ year history. New documents and pictures added periodically, as they are digitized.

Permanent Art Collection

Explore Artwork in the Library

Art selections from San Juan Island Library’s Permanent Art Collection. Pieces will be added as they are digitized.