Become a published Indie Author! Local authors can use Pressbooks to create, edit, format, and generate print-ready and eBook formats for your books and instantly publish to the Indie Author Project. No design experience is necessary to create professional quality eBook and print-ready book files, at no cost to you. Bring your self-publishing to another level!
Resources to get started with Pressbooks:
Authors can submit their books to the Indie Author Project and share their works with readers on San Juan island and throughout Washington. If your book is selected by Library Journal, it will be available to readers across the US and Canada. Find out more about how you can get started today with this short video.
Those who contribute their works are eligible to enter the Indie Author Project Annual Contest. For authors, this contest is powerful way to elevate your careers and writing goals, powered by the library community. Along with the accolade of the award and its perks, being recognized by librarians creates credibility and visibility for indie authors, setting them apart in a growing marketplace of digital content and indie-published books. The 2025 contest opens for submissions April 1 – May 31.
Please note: Authors submitting to the Indie Author Project give the Indie Author Project a non-exclusive license to make their ebook available to public library patrons via subscribing institutions in the public library market. Participation in the Indie Author Project does not restrict authors and their publishing service providers/future publishers in any manner from promoting and selling their ebooks to any market. Authors also reserve all intellectual and propriety rights in the work— the Indie Author Project does not infringe upon that— and they may be removed at will.
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All is instantly accessible, so no holds lists and no returns required! Learn more about Biblioboard here.